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Hallelujah Handel Part III: Handel and Royalty

Cincinnati Opera and 90.9 WGUC present a special encore presentation of Hallelujah Handel. Hosted by Cincinnati Opera’s Evans Mirageas, this four-part series explores the life and work of George Frideric Handel, the first truly internationally successful composer, from his apprentice days in Rome to his creation of the phenomenon Messiah. Listen on 90.9 FM or Tuesdays at 9:00 p.m. from November 30 through December 21.

Part III: Handel and Royalty

During his time in London, Handel served three successive English monarchs; Queen Anne, and two kings named George! For George I, he wrote his celebrated Water Music, and he composed music in honor of the coronation of George II. Along the way, Handel’s operas (and eventually oratorios) caught the ear of his kings and other members of the royal family. Mirageas will trace Handel’s singularly successful dealings with royalty and enjoy the great music born of these associations with stories related by conductor Nicholas McGegan, a celebrated interpreter of Handel’s music today.