Emmy winning soprano Adrienne Danrich’s residency program, This Little Light of Mine, sparked a new fire in one student struggling to transition to a new school.
Giving a Voice to the Voiceless
The most remarkable thing about this opera is that it tells the stories of six incredible people in their own words. Their voices were silenced for more than 120 years of imprisonment combined. The opera Blind Injustice has not only given them back their voices, but it has done so in a way that will be heard through the rafters of Music Hall and beyond.
Rise Up Singing
The First Backstage Musical
Each show takes us behind the scenes to reveal that the artists who transport us as performers are still humans, with all their faults and foibles. In Ariadne auf Naxos, librettist Hugo von Hofmannsthal and composer Richard Strauss go one step further, by poking gentle fun at themselves as well as their characters.
The Pursuit of Happiness
My Opera Education
Welcome, Morris Robinson!
Q&A With CSO Principal Flute Randy Bowman
Randy Bowman, Principal Flute of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, took a moment to answer our questions about the music from Another Brick in the Wall. Read on to learn about his rock 'n' roll upbringing and the musical inspirations for this epic new opera!
An Opera for Our Time
Q&A With Our Pink
In July 2018, Nathan Keoughan made his Cincinnati Opera debut as Pink, the leading role in our U.S. premiere of Another Brick in the Wall. Read on to learn about his life growing up, his high school rock band, and his role in the groundbreaking new opera.
Tearing Down The Wall
Certainty in a Sea of Doubt
When In Rome
All for Love
Chorus Rehearsal for La Traviata
Portrait of a Lady
Look into her eyes and what do you see? Fearlessness? Fragility? Resilience? Mistrust? Cincinnati writer Cindy Starr takes a look behind this season’s portrait of La Traviata by illustrator Tim O’Brien.
Opera Goes to Church!
Behind the Artwork: Another Brick in the Wall
Naomi Lewin on The Flying Dutchman
An overview of classical radio superstar Naomi Lewin’s lively and clever Opera Rap event at the Mercantile Library.